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Marketing Management

This is the collection of Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) question and answers for Marketing Management . It will help to prepare your examination. All question paper are classified as per semester, subject code and question type of Part A, Part B and Part C with multiple choice options as same as actual examination. SMU question papers includes year 2024, 2023, 2022 Sem I, II, III, IV, V, VI examinations of all subjects.

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Course Name        MBA (Master of Business Administration)

Subject Code       MB0030 (Marketing Management )

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Marketing Management Syllabus.

Unit 1: Introduction to Marketing
Introduction, Definitions of market and marketing, Introduction to Marketing, The Exchange Process, Elements of Marketing Concept, Functions of Marketing, Importance of Marketing, Marketing Concepts, Old Concept or Product- oriented Concept, New or Modern or Customer- oriented Concept, Difference between Old & New Concepts of Marketing, Impact of Modern Concept of Marketing, The Strategic Process, Environmental Considerations, Marketing Process – An Overview, Marketing Audit, Marketing Environment, Characteristics of Marketing Environment

Unit 2: Consumer Behaviour Analysis
Introduction, Meaning and Characteristics of Consumer Behaviour, Importance of the Study of Consumer Behaviour, Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour, Buying Roles, Types of Buying Behaviour, Consumer Purchase Decision Process, What Buying Decisions do Business Buyers Make?, Who Participates in the Business Buying Process?, What are the Major Influences of Business Buyers?, How do Business Buyers Make their Buying Decisions?, Buying Motives, Buyer Behaviour Models

Unit 3: Marketing Mix
Introduction, Developing Marketing Strategies, Product Strategy, Pricing Strategy, Place (Distribution Strategy), Promotion Strategy

Unit 4: Market Segmentation
Introduction, Concept of Market Segmentation, Benefits of Market Segmentation, Requisites of Effective Segmentation, Philosophies of Market Segmentation, Bases for Segmenting Consumer Markets, Market Segment Selection, Market Segmentation Strategies, Market Positioning

Unit 5: Marketing Information System
Introduction, Characteristics of MIS, Benefits of MIS, Types of Marketing Information, Components of MIS, Marketing Research, Features of Marketing Research, Scope of Marketing Research, Marketing Research Process, Objectives of Marketing Research, Importance and Advantages of Marketing Research, Limitations of Marketing Research

Unit 6: Sales Force Management
Introduction, Need for Good Salesmen, Sales Force Decision, Sales Force Size, Recruitment and Selection, Training

Unit 7: Customer Relationship Management – An Overview
Introduction, Relationship Marketing vs Relationship Management, Definitions Customer Relationship Management, Forms of Relationship Management, Managing Customer Loyalty and Development, Reasons behind Losing Customers by Organisations, Significance of Customer Relationship Management, Social Actions Affecting Buyer-Seller Relationships

Unit 8: Introduction to International Marketing
Introduction, Nature of International Marketing, The International Marketing Concept, The Marketing Mix, Approaches to International Marketing, International Product Policy, International Advertising, Laws and Regulations on Advertising, International Direct Marketing, Relationship Marketing, Markets as Networks, International Sales Promotions, International Branding, Country-of-origin Effects, International Pricing

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